Dental Checkups & Cleanings – Prosper, TX

Prevent Problems and Protect Smiles

Little boy in red shirt holding large toothbrush and tooth plush

Did you know that an estimated 42% of children from 2 to 11 years old develop cavities in their baby teeth? Not only that but infants and children can also develop gum disease regardless of how many primary or permanent teeth have already arrived. Thankfully, our team at Little Penguin Pediatric Dentistry can prevent problems and protect smiles with professional dental checkups and cleanings. If you would like to schedule an appointment or request additional information, feel free to contact us and we’d be happy to assist you!

Why Choose Little Penguin Pediatric Dentistry for Dental Checkups & Cleanings?

  •       Accept Dental Insurance & Offer In-House Memberships
  •       Advanced Technology for Enhanced Accuracy
  •       Sedation Options Available for Anxious Patients

Why Are Regular Dental Checkups & Cleanings Important?

Girl in pink sweater in dentist’s chair smiling

Many parents mistakenly believe that they don’t need to worry about their little one’s oral health until they have a full mouth of teeth. Unfortunately, children are just as prone to cavities and gum disease as adults. Experts recommend that children have their first oral exam when they’re about 1 year old and then every 6 months after that. This allows their dentist to identify any areas of concern in still-developing smiles so they can address them before they progress into real issues. By visiting regularly, you can avoid potential damage down the road that often requires more complex and costly solutions.

What to Expect During a Dental Checkup?

Girl with brown hair having a dental exam with her mom standing behind her

It’s normal for children to feel nervous about visiting the dentist, especially the first time. You can help them feel more prepared so they’re less anxious when they arrive by letting them know what to expect at their upcoming appointment. Typically, dental checkups include:

  • A visual examination of their teeth, gums, and bite alignment.
  • Screening the soft tissues inside their mouth for oral cancer.
  • Taking X-rays (usually once each year) to detect any problems beneath the gumline.
  • Building an individualized treatment plan if any issues are discovered.
  • Answering any questions you or your child have about their teeth, gums, or at-home dental hygiene routine.

What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning?

Girl with earrings wearing sunglasses during dental cleaning

Even if your child brushes and flosses twice daily, it can be challenging for them to thoroughly clean all the surfaces of their teeth because some are simply harder to reach. A professional cleaning with our team generally consists of:

  • Removing plaque and tartar from their teeth and below their gumline using specialized instruments for this purpose. This reduces the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.
  • Polishing their teeth to clear away any surface stains that may have built up.
  • Thoroughly flossing their teeth to remove harmful bacteria that cause disease.
  • Treating their teeth with fluoride to strengthen their enamel.