A Cool, Comfortable Environment for Dental Care

Young boy smiling at his sedation dentist for kids in Prosper

We never want visiting the dentist to feel scary or anxiety-inducing, which is why our team does everything we can to create a calm and enjoyable experience for all of our patients. However, we understand that in some cases, that might not be possible, which is why we offer safe children’s dental sedation in Prosper. From fast-acting nitrous oxide for mild anxiety to general anesthesia for more extensive treatment needs, we offer it all. Call our office today to find out whether your little one can benefit from these services.

Why Choose Little Penguin Pediatric Dentistry for Children’s Sedation Dentistry?

  • Quality Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs
  • Expert, Knowledgeable Certified Pediatric Dentist
  • Collaborative Care with Parents in Charge

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Boy in dental chair wearing nitrous oxide sedation mask

The effects of nitrous oxide sedation are fast and can be administered directly in the treatment chair. Throughout their appointment, your child will be safely monitored by our trained professionals, and while the medication helps them feel comfortable and relaxed, they’ll still remain conscious and able to respond to our questions. After their visit is complete, we’ll have them breathe in oxygen for a few minutes, flushing the laughing gas out of their system and allowing them to effortlessly get back to the rest of their day.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Young girl taking a pill

Oral conscious sedation is typically recommended for our patients who have more moderate to severe fear or anxiety, or for those who are undergoing a treatment that they’re nervous about. Unlike general anesthesia, oral sedation is not intended to make a patient unconscious or unresponsive. We’ll provide them with our special juice the morning of their appointment, have them relax in our quiet room for an hour, and begin treatment once effects have kicked in. Because they can feel groggy or fatigued for awhile after their visit, it’s a good idea to let them rest for the remainder of the day instead of going back to school or daycare.

General Anesthesia

Close up of I V drip

We typically only recommend general anesthesia if we believe it’s absolutely necessary, and it will always be administered by a trained anesthesiologist and team of professionals that will monitor your little one’s vitals. During this sedation process, your child will not be conscious and will have no memory of their procedure afterward. Before we recommend or administer general anesthesia, a complete medical history will be taken of your child and ensure that any of your concerns or answers are thoroughly addressed. This option is usually recommended for highly anxious patients with extensive treatment needs (5+ teeth) and wish to have everything completed in one visit.