Dental Care as Warm as a Penguin Huddle

Smiling young boy with special needs

Dr. Peng, our phenomenal certified pediatric dentist here at Little Penguin Pediatric Dentistry, is passionate about helping her patients feel comfortable while visiting the office. Whether your child has an intellectual or physical disability that makes visiting the dentist overstimulating or anxiety-inducing, our team has their back! Like penguins, we support everyone in our rookery so they can have a fun and enjoyable experience. Call our Prosper pediatric dental office today to schedule an appointment for your child and let us know how we can make their next visit wonderful!

Why Choose Little Penguin Pediatric Dentistry for Special Needs Dentistry?

  • Can Keep Seeing Special Needs Patients as Adults
  • Family-Owned & Operated Dental Practice
  • Warm, Welcoming & Compassionate Team

Special Needs Present Unique Oral Challenges

Pediatric special needs dentist treating a young girl with special needs

Children with disabilities face unique dental barriers when it comes to maintaining good oral health and hygiene. Because of the lack of education surrounding these unique barriers and the tools available to help your child overcome them, like adaptable toothbrushes and dental floss, they may face a higher risk of developing common oral health problems. Our team is here to provide you and your little one with all of the tips and tricks we know to ensure your favorite smile stays healthy and happy into adulthood.

How Do We Help Our Patients with Special Needs Feel Comfortable?

Smiling young girl with glasses and braids

Our compassionate and friendly team, along with our knowledgeable certified pediatric special needs dentist in Prosper, Dr. Peng, are specially trained to help children who have special needs enjoy a more comfortable dental visit. If necessary, we may offer sedation dentistry to help them feel more at-ease in the treatment chair. Or, in some cases, it may be as simple as dimming the lights in the treatment room or allowing them to wear noise-canceling headphones. In any case, we’re excited to accommodate their needs in any way we can.

Dental Tips for Patients with Special Needs

Young girl with special needs hugging her mother

Our preventive approach helps our little penguins avoid serious oral health problems, like infections, in the long-term. Not only will following these helpful tips allow you to get the most quality time with your child, but they’ll also help drastically reduce the risk of experiencing a dental emergency or other costly dental situation:

  • Regular Checkups & Cleanings: Every six months, we recommend bringing your child in for routine checkups and cleanings. These professional visits are crucial to removing accumulated plaque and tartar from their teeth and detecting early signs of dental problems, like cavities. Even if your little one doesn’t have any teeth yet, these appointments can help them get used to our office and team, so they feel more comfortable visiting us in the future.
  • A Good At-Home Routine: Our team is happy to suggest adaptable dental hygiene tools to help encourage your little one to maintain a good at-home dental hygiene routine. This involves brushing their teeth twice each day, flossing daily, and rinsing with antimicrobial mouthwash.
  • Fluoride Treatments: Children with disabilities are at a higher risk of developing common oral health problems like cavities. Fluoride treatments can help strengthen their enamel and reduce their risk of developing decay.